Keynote Speaker
Watch Nikki speak at the SPAN Symposium this October!
Safe Passage Across Networks (SPAN) : The SPAN Symposium will deepen your transitions-care understanding and practice through the keynotes, panels and other sessions, and strengthen your global connections through the networking opportunities.
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Keynote Speaker
Keynote Topic 1: YOU BELONG HERE
- Belonging is a core basic instinct that drives all our motivations. How are we wired to connect?
- What is a Third Culture Kid (TCK) and how are today’s workplace dynamics similar to my search for community and belonging?
- Highlights from the latest human capital trends, the state of the workplace and its connection to a crisis of belonging
- What are some barriers to belonging in the workplace and how does this relate to a lack of engagement and performance?
- What are the small gear shifts we can make that will empower you, and others, to feel seen, heard and understood?
- How does this acute sense of belonging propel productivity, collaboration and creativity within your teams?
- The core drivers of trust and the actions to help rebuild it amid uncertainty
- Next steps to transform into a culture of “WE”
This keynote is presented from the lens of a Third Culture Kid whose decades long search for belonging and community led me to investigate (and witness first-hand) the power of a group who feel connected to each other and to a common purpose. I analyse the latest human capital trends, compliment them with insights from neuroscience and behavioural science and make them accessible and relevant to any audience by humanising the experience. For organisations who believe in the impact of diversity, equity and inclusion and need some extra support, this keynote is for you. We’re living in unprecedented times of great opportunity amidst uncertainty and the practical tools to reinvigorate teams and strengthen a culture of belonging are ripe for the taking!
- What is a Third Culture Kid (TCK) and how was my disruptive yet enriching upbringing similar to the challenges facing organisations who want to implement successful change?
- Industry case studies highlighting the importance of transitions, recognising loss and its effect on people
- The 3 stages of transition to make the most out of change
- How do positive transitions help employees feel connected and inspire them to go the extra mile for their teammates and customers?
- What are the indicators of high and low trust organisations and how does trust factor into successful change?
- Lessons from my time at the United Nations Headquarters
- Insights from a specific moment of my childhood where a lack of transition changed the course of my life
- Granular pathways to cultivate belonging and transition well
I draw parallels between my highly mobile and cross-cultural TCK upbringing and the journeys of organisations undergoing structural and strategic changes. Both can reap the benefits of science based, measured and empathic practices to grow through moments of uncertainty and disruption. Transitions are often overlooked and yet are most essential when navigating uncharted territory. This keynote is both deeply personal and profoundly practical and tailored to those who want to harness the power of change.
- What is a Third Culture Kid (TCK) and what are the enriching gifts and challenges of growing up global?
- How did the study of TCKs and the 220 million people like me, alter the course of my life and encourage me to help others make the most out of change?
- The impact of relocation on children and their families
- What is positive transitions care and how can this science based framework support parents, children, teachers and organisations through change?
- How does a focus on transition help new international hires adjust more quickly and healthily in the workplace?
- The stages of transition and steps to prepare physically and psychologically before an international move
- How to navigate the mixed emotions of beginning again
- The marketable gifts of growing up among worlds
This keynote is geared towards the internationally mobile community. It’s relevant to families, educators, working professionals or organisations hoping to understand the complexity of relocation and its impact on employees. I use my experience to help others navigate change. I share insights from my highly mobile childhood and the valuable gifts and challenges of disruption. I reveal the side effects of grief and loss that often accompany the excitement of every international move and how positive transitions care can support this process. Around the themes of empathy, adaptability, resilience and growth mindset, I provide actionable next steps complimented by the latest research on the TCK experience, transition care and the science of belonging. In the true meaning of belonging without borders, this keynote promises to be a “reunion of strangers.” Everyone is welcome.